Tailor-made solutions for you as a photovoltaic professional.
With this free WEB platform you can size and configure a photovoltaic system by choosing from all the products in the Riello Solartech range and for all types of systems, whether residential, commercial or industrial.
If you need to size a photovoltaic system, consisting of photovoltaic panels and inverters for a home or a commercial activity, that generates electricity by converting the sunlight captured by the photovoltaic panels and then making it available to the building's electrical system, here you are in the right place.
If your project involves a hybrid photovoltaic system that combines all the benefits of photovoltaics with the efficiency of a battery pack, we have the ideal solution for you.
Click here to size it correctly and for free.
The purpose of Riello PV Configurator 4.0 is to help professionals like you - designers, installers, and distributors - in sizing the system and choosing the most suitable Riello Solartech inverter solution for your project's needs.
Our configurator is a simple, intuitive but at the same time precise and extremely useful software solution that will guide you in selecting the most suitable product.
By entering parameters such as the geographical area in which the system is located (or will be located), the Riello Solartech inverter model you want to size and the photovoltaic module you want to use, a dedicated algorithm will suggest the best available solutions.
In just a few steps you can easily find, among the many products made available by Riello Solartech, the one or those most suited to your customer's needs.
After selecting the product, you can contact us directly to request technical and/or commercial information.
PV Configurator 4.0 is a web application that can be used easily and immediately.
It therefore does not require the installation of particular applications on your PC or mobile device.